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Eggplant “Parm”

Recipe by: casey

no parm 🙂

1 lb eggplant cut into chunks
1/3 of those little cans of tomato paste (watch out for the ones with added salt!!)
onion powder (to taste..i like a lot!)
garlic powder (to taste.. ditto)
Italian seasonings..( maybe i used a tbsp?? i dunno i just shook out of the shaker till it tasted good)

Just cook the eggplant a bit in a big pan (i love my wok for all veggie cooking…especially doing lb’s of things!) then…add in the tomato paste, and about 1/4 c. water…(may use a little less so add a bit at a time…this is just to get the paste distributed easily) mix that all up the start adding your spices and herbs… 🙂

Amazingly tastes just like the breaded stuff but with no cheese no breading…sooo delish and no salt!! i was so proud of myself hehe and i thought the paste added more of a sweet flavor like a real tomato sauce rather than just reg cut up tomatoes

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