- Fatfree Vegan Recipes - https://fatfreevegan.com -

Grilled Eggplant Salad

Submitted by: courtney (from Vegetarian Times magazine)

2 red bell peppers
2 large eggplants, peeled and cut 3/8 inch thick
2 tomatoes, seeded and diced
1/3 C chopped scallions
1/2 C minced fresh parsley
1/4 C chopped fresh cilantro
2 Tbs. mint (fresh)
2 large cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 C freshly squeezed lemon juice, or to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Prepare med.-hot charcoal fire, or preaheat gas grill, or broiler.

Grill whole red peppers, turning occasionally, until completely charred, about 20 min. Place in plastic or paper bag to steam 10 min. to loosen skins. Working over bowl to catch juices, remove skin, seeds, and stems, and discard all. Dice peppers and set aside.

Spray one side of eggplant with non-stick spray. Place on grill, sprayed side down. Cook until tender, 5-7 min. Spray tops, turn over and grill til tender, another 5-7 min. Transfer to cutting board and chop.

Combine eggplant, peppers, and juices, tomatoes, scallions, parsley and other spices and garlic in large bowl and toss to mix. Add lemon juice, and season with salt and pepper. Serve at room temp.

***NOTE I do not have a grill, so I was planning on doing this in the broiler in the oven. I think it should work fine–I have done similar types of grill recipes this way before–and VT says that it should work okay.

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