I’m so excited to announce the addition of a new blog to the Fatfree Vegan family! Maria Theresa Maggi, known to some of you from her comments as Moonwatcher, has consented to write a journal about how eating a plant-based diet is helping her to reverse the effects of Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, and mild Cerebral Palsy. Maria is an amazing writer and an accomplished cook–a gluten-free, soy-free, vegan cook–and she’ll be sharing her recipes as well as her insights into life’s troubles and triumphs. Her blog, Plant-Based Slow Motion Miracle, has just begun, but she has so much to say that I know you will want to follow her story, so check out her blog, and while you’re there, be sure to sign up to receive email updates whenever there’s a new post.
Thank you, Maria, for sharing your wit and wisdom with us!