What happens when chickpeas and quinoa become a little too familiar? Find out in this week’s blog post, featuring a mouthwatering recipe for dry-spiced chickpeas combined with broccoli, carrots, and a lite tahini sauce.
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3 Responses to “Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Chickpea and Broccoli Bowl with Tahini Sauce”
Katt Says:
Thanks for your hard work and dedication to this site. I have dabbled with fat-free vegan for a long time. But I can’t say I have to eat the same old recipes all the time now. My hubby and I are starting to incorporate some of these recipes daily. So glad I found your site.
Anne Says:
November 12th, 2013 at 10:01 am
this look very nice food, just found about doctor joel eat to live book myne have not yet came hopeful will be able to get on bond with heathly eating. Anne
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February 28th, 2014 at 8:34 pm
I’m so glad I found your site! I have dabbled with being vegan with no added oils for the past ten years. I say dabbled because I have not been able to convince my husband until he tried your lentil and cumin soup! Thank you soon much for all your hard work!