Little Victories Over Multiple Sclerosis

A Few Words

November 3, 2017

For much of the last several weeks, the ocean had stolen the sand from the our beach access, leaving us only with rocks, practically right up to the bottom of our stairs. On calmer days at low tide, we could make our way over those rocks to sand farther north. Last Saturday morning, I was […]

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On Resilience

October 8, 2017

    My love affair with the word “resilience” began with a little angel on a trampoline. Many years ago during my time in manual therapy, in addition to the main practicioner I saw, I sometimes would go to see her sister-in-law, who was a friend of mine, and was moving up the ranks in […]

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The Song Is Love

June 29, 2017

  I have a confession to make: I talk to myself. A lot. All the time. Every day. Even in public places, like the aisles of the grocery store (sometimes especially in the aisles of the grocery store). But according to this article about self talk, this may actually be a good thing. It seems […]

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A State of Wild Grace

May 26, 2017

Recently a dear long time friend drove all the way from the Palouse to visit me here on the edge of the continent. It was special magic to have someone who’s known and been there for me for over 20 years come all this way to giggle and play and commune with nature with me […]

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Thinking About My Things

February 11, 2017

  When I first began to teach myself how to draw again, I focused a lot on objects from life or from photographs that captured my eye. It took me a long time to attempt to draw something from memory. When I do draw from memory, I learn a lot about what was most prominent […]

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In The Room

February 27, 2016

I have come to realize that my life operates beyond the idea of what I think I should be doing or any plans I make to be fruitful or productive. Even when I think of myself as slacking off, the meaning or growth I apparently need is presented to me effortlessly. It is the acceptance […]

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My Love Is A Red, Red Umbrella

November 15, 2015

Last Sunday my next door neighbor came over to go down into the basement with me to get some extra newspapers to help protect the floor when her new kittens arrive. She also offered to help me put the insulated cover of my patio spigot. It was raining pretty steadily and Romeo and I had […]

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A Different Kind of “Before” and “After”

November 3, 2015

  Recently a group I’m connected to on Facebook posted a mad flurry of “before” and “after” photos of folks successfully eating the low fat plant-based way. All of these involved weight loss, lots of them very dramatic. What’s going on?  I wondered to myself Where is all the food?–since that’s often my favorite part […]

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Seeds of a Sea Change

February 28, 2015

  A while back someone on McDougall Friends started a thread asking how long or how many times others had been exposed to information about a plant-based diet before taking the plunge. Lots of people had a simple answer such as “after I saw Forks Over Knives.” Another remarked that it happened both all at […]

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Stitches in Time

February 7, 2015

The year of my diagnosis, I began learning to quilt. A friend and colleague made beautiful quilts, all by hand. Besides being a fantastic writer about life in the west, I knew she loved to sit in the evenings, listening to classical music and sipping bourbon, as she stitched one lovely stitch at a time. […]

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