Potato Pizzas I Have Loved. . .

by Maria Theresa Maggi on May 10, 2013

Potato Pizzas


. . .and sweet potato pizzas I have also loved.




Once Summer finally comes to northern Idaho, it can get pretty hot and dry. Here on the Palouse we can see days with triple digits in July and August, sometimes even September. With no central air in my 115 year-old house, I cool it off the old- fashioned way: run the ceiling fan, open the windows at night, close them down in the morning. Raise the bamboo shades on the south side of the house in the evening, lower them before it heats up too much in the morning. Drink lots of water. Eat fruit. Wear cotton. And don’t turn on the oven.

So before the Summer warm weather comes to stay for good, and I turn off the oven for a while, I wanted to share two versions of potato pizzas I love. Like so many other plant-based food choices I think of as favorites, I first learned of these from Susan’s recipe on FFVK for yep, you guessed it, Potato Pizzas. I stick to Susan’s technique for slicing and baking the potatoes, which is foolproof. The only variation is that I bake the potatoes on a silicone baking mat or baking parchment instead of using a small amount of oil on the cookie sheet. As is the case with so many recipes, I went in slightly different directions with the sauce and the veggie toppings, largely because I like to use up things I have. I also used a technique I developed for treating the veggie toppings I’ve put on regular pizza, and it works fine with potatoe pizzas, too. So check out Susan’s recipe for the basic template, and try out her sauce and choice of veggie toppings if you like. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. As my son once e-mailed me about her potato pizza sauce, “It’s awesome!!” But if you’d like to vary your potato pizza experience just a bit here are some playful, flavorful options.


So go ahead, take your pick, or try them all. Fall in love again– with potato pizzas!!


Maria (moonwatcher)

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1 Susan Voisin May 11, 2013 at 1:47 pm

I just love all these ideas, Maria! I will definitely have to try a Mexican version.


2 moonwatcher May 11, 2013 at 4:11 pm

Thanks, Susan! I used a bit of pineapple on the black bean ones, which I thought you might be interested to know.


3 Donna McFarland May 11, 2013 at 2:11 pm

This sounds just perfect for ~any weather! Love how you’ve made it- YOUR OWN too. Can’t wait to try! 🙂


4 moonwatcher May 11, 2013 at 4:10 pm

Thanks, Donna! Hope you enjoy your own versions!


5 Dbookmom May 15, 2013 at 6:19 pm

Was excited to see your blog. I subscribe to Susan’s as well. Have been spending more time “ooo”ing and “aaahh”ing over the photos and recipes than actually making them but am determined to turn over a new leaf – regardless of whether the rest of the family is interested. lol. Especially interested in gluten free as it did great things for my daughter (digestive, sleep, and mood-wise). I look forward to your posts. I’ve only been on this page, so excuse the repetition, but do you eat fermented foods?


6 moonwatcher May 15, 2013 at 7:59 pm

Hi Dbookmom, and welcome! Thanks for your comment. To answer your question I don’t have any rule about eating fermented foods, although I don’t eat a whole lot of them, come to think of it. I do use chickpea miso and like that a lot.


7 Kamila May 15, 2013 at 11:04 pm

I love your description of summer! And I very much appreciate your staying in touch with the seasons, and not using the oven in summer. It makes all kinds of sense! I live in an apartment with a ceramic-top stove that I can’t stand — you turn off the burner and you can feel the heat emanating for a while afterwards. I wish I had a gas stove (and a 115 year old house)!


8 moonwatcher May 16, 2013 at 7:33 am

Thanks, Kamilla, for all these kind words. Staying in touch with the seasons helps me stay in touch with myself.


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