Savory oats are my latest obsession. These steel cut oats retain an al dente quality to them just like arborio rice does in a risotto. Recipe by Geekypoet.
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Archive for the ‘Recipes with Photos’ Category
Delicious marinated mushrooms stuffed with seasoned spinach and sweet potatoes in a cheesy tofu sauce. Recipe by Jarafel.
This cake is incredibly moist without any added oils. The pears, spices and almond extract compliment each other beautifully. By healthyvic.
Sweet potatoes are combined with shredded coconut and spices in these delicious balls. Recipe by Jarafel.
The perfect healthy sweet to show your Valentine just how much you really care! These donuts are baked, sweetened with stevia, made with whole wheat pastry flour and full of romantic floral flavors.
Mussamun curry paste is a red curry paste that includes not only the standard cumin, coriander, and peppercorns, but also an aromatic array of sweet spices, including cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and cardamom.
This bisque tastes so rich that no one will know it’s healthy—unless you tell them!
This dip tastes like pumpkin pie, but without the refined sugar, flour, or other junky stuff. Great for fall entertaining, or makes a tasty snack for kids (and adults, too!)
There is a traditional Polish salad of grated raw Kohlrabi and carrot – tastes great! Using this as inspiration I have taken things a stage further and made a soup.
Lassi is an Indian yogurt drink that can be either sweet or salty. I like mine sweet with mango, mint and just a hint of lemon verbena.
This cake is incredibly moist and lightly spiced, but the pineapple frosting really brings it over the top! –Healthyvic
These have tons of flavor with chunks of gooey bananas. The secret ingredient is the cashew sour cream. Do not leave it out!
This carob pudding is so silky and smooth you would never guess it is low fat! –healthyvic
Dense and fudgy, you would never guess these are vegan, low fat, grain free and sugar free! –healthyvic
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