If you’d like to submit your own fat-free vegan recipes, we’d love to have them! Please be sure the recipe is really yours–not copied from a book or another site–and then follow the steps below. Remember, recipes must have no added oil or margarine, contain only small amounts of nuts, seeds, or avocado, and be free of animal products. Please see the FAQ’s for a complete list of “do’s and don’ts.”
Print these instructions or have them open in another window as you add your recipe.
1. If you haven’t already, sign up for membership.
2. Click Submit Recipe in the top right corner. Select Write New Post. (If you cannot get to this page, email me at susan AT fatfreevegan DOT com with your username and I will make sure you have authorization to post.)
3. Enter your recipe’s name in the top box. Please follow standard rules for capitalization (not all caps or all lower-case).
4. If you have a photo, upload it by clicking on the first symbol to the right of Upload/Insert. Select the photo either from your computer files or from another URL. Important: If you want your photo to be eligible to be used in the slideshow on the home page, it will have to be 440 pixels wide by 240 pixels high. If you upload it exactly that size, it has a much greater chance of being used in the slideshow, but you can also submit a bigger photo and I will resize it, as time allows.
5. When you upload your photo, be sure to give it a title and description. Set the alignment to None and the size to Full Size. Then press Insert into Post.
6. Type your recipe into the main text box. Important: Do not cut and paste formatted text into this box. If you want to cut and paste, click on the HTML tab on the right and paste it there. Formatted text will need to be reformatted to fit the site’s style and may delay the posting of your recipe.
7. If you would like a link to your blog, be sure to include it before or after your recipe. Posting your recipe is a great way to drive traffic to your blog.
8. In the excerpt field, type up a description of your recipe, something that will invite readers to click on it. This will be displayed on the home page and on archive and category pages.
9. Choose one or two categories from the choices on the right. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES. Do not add or select tags. These will be added by a moderator.
10. Set your featured image, if you included an image (this is the thumbnail image shown beside your recipe on the home page). Select Set Featured Image, on the bottom right, click Media Library, and click Show beside the photo you just uploaded. Choose Use as Featured Image near the center, bottom of the window. Click the X to exit this window.
11. Save your draft. It will be checked over by a moderator and if acceptable published within 24 hours. Check back to review it and monitor any comments made on it.
Thank you for your submission!