Strix's Raw Orange Julius

Strix’s Raw “Orange Julius”

Recipe by: Strix

2 large juicy oranges, peeled and seeded ( use the white part surrounding the orange — it’s good! Adds creaminess)
1 to 1 1/4 C ice cubes
1 to 1 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Powder, preferred (or extract)
Stevia to taste OR Agave Nectar to taste
Orange zest to serve, optional

Blend all on “high” in a blender till smooth. Serve immediately.

Additionals for more/different flavor: 1/2 tsp Orange Flower water; 1/4 tsp coconut

Idea: Some nuts for creaminess sounds yummy. I would suggest cashews, brazil, or almonds.

When I used to make this non-raw vegan, I sometimes added nuts and it was good; so, I’m sure it would be good here too!

From Vegan Buddies Forum

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