Submitted by: DeniseC

Once you taste the difference fresh pumpkin makes, you’ll never go back to canned. Use this in recipes calling for pumpkin puree or canned pumpkin.

Recipe By : Vegetarian Times Complete Thanksgiving Cookbook, page 212
Serving Size : 1

1 small sugar pie pumpkin — seeded
(7 to 8 lbs.) cut into quarters

Bake pumpkin, cut sides down, in a baking pan in 375-degree oven until tender, about 1 1/2 hours.

Remove from oven. Cool; scrape out pulp into bowl. Mash with a potato masher, then puree in batches in a food processor until smooth.

Helpful Hint: Freeze unused puree in self-sealing freezer bags for later use.


Per cup: 49 calories; 2g Protein; 0g Fat; (0 Sat. Fat) 12g Carbohydrates; 0 mg Chol.; 2 mg sodium; 2g fiber.

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