Chill in the fridge or freezer before serving. And enjoy!!!
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Archive for the ‘Desserts & Sweets’ Category
This makes about 8 candies. I like to freeze them though it’s not necessary and they don’t freeze entirely but do firm up some.
Robin Robertson writes that this recipe is “great for a crowd at holiday gatherings when you want the seasonal taste of pumpkin without the fuss of a pie.”
This week’s Blog recipe is a super-easy treat you can make in minutes in your microwave, Baked Apples, with either a raisin or blueberry filling.
NOTE : To section grapefruit, hold peeled fruit in one hand. Starting at the top of the fruit, slip a paring knife into the section, keeping close to the membrane. Cut section out by running knife down the length of section and into the fruit, cutting as close to membrane as possible.
I love the texture and buttery flavor of poached pears. This microwave poaching method is so simple that sometimes I buy a big bag of pears and poach them all at once. They can then be refrigerated and covered and eaten as snacks throughout the next week. Bosc and Bartlett pears are the best varieties for poaching.
This filling will make two 9″ pies. Use it also as a filling for baked apples or yeast coffeecakes.
This is such a sugar pink colour, it glows! But don’t mess with the sweet sugary vixen lurking at the bottom of this drink — she might just turn around and bite you!
4 medium tart apples, peeled, cored and chopped
1 c. raisins …
add cocoa powder while processing to create chocolate-banana ice cream
other frozen fruits work well, too. Try peaches, mangos, strawberries, or any combination.
add walnuts for banana-walnut “ice cream”
Tip: wrap bananas in plastic wrap before freezing. Be sure they’re frozen solid before using.
3 Cups coarsely choopped peeled apples (about 2 med.)
2 1/4 Cups coarsely chopped peeled bartlett pear (about 2 med.) …
When ready to serve, split figs and place on dessert dishes. Top with chilled cream.
Skewer the plums and broil 3 to 4 inches from the source of heat for 3-5 minutes, brushing with additional marinade at least once during broiling.
Note: cooked prunes, peach halves, or pitted cherries can replace any of the fruits, as long as 3 different fruits are used.
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